Milano Jewelery Week 2023

Artistar Jewels 2023

My filigree and handmade pieces are intended to make us think about the climatic changes on our planet. Because we still have the power to preserve our nature.



The interplay of our nature should be in harmony. The cycle of the ring stands for the recurrence of natural phenomena and represents the different elements in various ways. The different shades of gold stand for warmth. The colored diamonds stand for the harmony of nature and the opal represents its diversity. Despite the size of the ring, the surrounding waves forming the base shape of the ring are designed in a way to give the ring a high and ergonomic wearing comfort.



Inspired by the contrast between our society and nature, the basic shape of the bangle is rectangular. The geometric shape is broken up by the floral elements. The result is a floral appearance showing that nature is always reclaiming its habitat. The golden flower with the fancy-cut oregon sunstone as the leaf forms the center of the design. The champagne colored diamonds form the breeding ground for the plants. The open blossoms visualize the growth of nature around the wearer's wrist.



Inspired by the melting of the Arctic, a shiny blue fancy-cut aquamarine is highlighted in the centre of a gold and silver ring of rays. The gold tones coming from the upper left symbolise the sun's rays and the dissolution of the cold areas on our planet. A single patch of ice and a polar bear represent the disappearance of biodiversity and its habitats on our planet. The handmade necklace further emphasise the theme of the piece with different shades of gold and silver.



The collier was created with an opal as a symbol for Australia in the centre of a ring of rays. The different yellow gold tones of the sun's rays visualise the scorching and constant heat. The blue diamonds arranged around the opal are meant to draw attention to the change of habitat in the water and in the reefs. The centre piece is held by a filigree chain and a handcrafted clasp. The completely handmade design is meant to show that our future is still in our hands.

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CF goldundsilberschmiede | Christine Faulhaber